Frustrated with Schedule R?

Annkissam can help. With 941R Express, we have helped Fiscal/Employer Agents in Self Direction complete Schedules R for Forms 941 and 940 since the IRS first required these schedules in 2010. Fiscal/Employer Agents depend on 941R for proper completion of these unique schedules.

941R Express is the go-to solution for Schedule R. Since the form’s inception, 941R Express has processed $18.4 billion in wages. Annkissam is the leading software provider for Financial Management Services (FMS) in Self Direction with our FMS Engine, F/EA Blueprint and OTravel products. Annkissam has processed over $38.42 billion in self direction payments and counting. Rely on our regulatory and workflow expertise in FMS in Self Direction.

Update - July 2022: 941R Express now supports the latest version of the Schedule R, published by the IRS in June 2022.

941R Express is easy to use and lets users:

  • Automatically populate 941 and 940 Schedules R with valid payroll data
  • Save valuable time and resources to manage operations
  • Protect clients’ confidentiality and reduce the potential for errors, penalties, and fines

Contact us for pricing

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